Metro Heating and Cooling, Inc.Click Here to go to our Secure Website:
Cooler Start UpSummer will be here before you know it. Schedule your cooler start up for a convenient date when you will be ready. If you have a cooler service contract, pick your date now. Available appointments always fill fast. Important: Service is strictly limited to our previous installation customers, on a first come/first serve basis. We are not accepting any new cooler service customers.Cooler Shut Down and WinterizationSchedule your shut down before the rush, even if you want to use your cooler for another couple of months. Check out the Cooler Agreement page for additional details. Important: Service is strictly limited to our previous installation customers on a first come/first serve basis. We are not accepting any new cooler service customers. Freeze Warning: Protect your cooler now. See important shut down information.Furnace ServicesWe make furnace repairs and offer emergency service. We charge by the job, not by the hour... using fair, flat rate pricing. The gas companies as well as the furnace manufacturers recommend Annual Cleaning and Safety Checks to maintain safe, efficient, and dependable operation. |
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